
Welcome to the DeGen Summit event website. By using this Website, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms, please exit the Website. We reserve the right to refuse access to anyone at any time.

Website Use

This Website provides information about the Blockchain Summit event. By accessing and using the Website, you agree to:

Intellectual Property

The content and materials on this Website are for personal, non-commercial use only. All content and materials are owned by us or authorized licensors. You may not use, modify, reproduce, sell, distribute, or create derivative works without our prior written consent. All trademarks, trade names, and logos on the Website are our property and cannot be used without permission.

General Risk Factors

The Website is for informational purposes only. Information on the Website may not always be accurate or suitable for your situation.

Third-Party Websites

The Website may link to or integrate with third-party websites. We have no control over these websites and are not liable for their content. The existence of any link does not constitute endorsement.

Submissions to Us

We do not accept obligations of confidentiality for information submitted to us. Any information you provide is not considered confidential or proprietary, and we are free to use it.


The Website and content are provided as is with no warranties. We are not liable for any consequential, incidental, special, or exemplary damages. You are responsible for all information and content you contribute.


You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses related to your use of the Website and content.

Governing Law

These Terms are governed by Indian law. Any disputes will be resolved exclusively in India.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes related to these Terms will be resolved through arbitration in accordance with Indian arbitration rules. The seat and venue of arbitration will be in Bangalore, India.


Our Privacy Policy is incorporated into these Terms. By accessing the Website, you consent to abide by the Privacy Policy.


These Terms and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and us. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, it will be limited or eliminated. Any claim or cause of action must be filed within one year.

Legal Notices

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at contact@degensummit.com.